You express your design intent in a textual DSL, from which Sculptor generates high quality Java code and configuration. It is not a one time shot. The application can be developed incrementally with an efficient round trip loop.
Sculptor is useful when developing typical enterprise or web applications that benefit from a rich and persistent domain model. Sculptor also provides a sophisticated CRUD GUI for administrative sections of the application or to serve as a scaffolding for your manually created pages.
The generated code is based on well-known frameworks, such as JPA, Hibernate, Spring Framework, Spring Web Flow, JSF, RCP, and Java EE.
Product characteristics:
- Easy to learn, intuitive syntax of the textual DSL, editor with error highlight, code completion, and outline
- Quick development round trip, it is not a one time generation
- Existing IDE tools, such as refactoring, code assist and debugger will continue to be of service to you
- High quality of generated code, based on well known frameworks, best practices, and a lot of experience
- Great extensibility and customization options
- Easy to remove the tool, no runtime magic